
I am breaking tradition this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is about tradition. Actually, who am I kidding.....we all know it's about the food! I guess tradition comes into play because we tend to make the same dishes every year. Since we only eat them on Thanksgiving, it makes sense that we would cook the food we know and love. But what if you

Need a Boost?

Cold and flu season is creeping up on us so it is the perfect time to think about boosting your immune system. Getting enough sleep, eating lots of veggies and lowering your stress level are just a few of the things you can do on a daily basis to stay healthy. These are all good

Change Is In The Air…

Finally, Autumn has arrived! Here in the desert, we are not quite into the cooler weather, but we are getting some glimpses of it! I always laugh when I hear myself saying, "we will only be in the 90's this week." I know the 90's may seem hot to most folks, but after 4-5 months

Trouble Sleeping?

You are not alone, my friend. Sleep, or lack thereof, is probably the biggest complaint I hear from clients. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or you wake up at 2:00 a.m. and cannot get back to sleep (this would be me!), it is frustrating and can really take a toll on your health. More

I Found a Good One!

Check it new fish oil supplement!!! I decided to take my own advice and search for a more concentrated source of Omega's. I was happy with the quality of the brand I was using, but I was taking quite a few capsules to reach the recommended dose. After looking at all the brands and

Inflammation….Friend or Foe?

When it comes to health and wellness, the area that is creating a lot of buzz is inflammation.   Stress causes inflammation, obesity causes inflammation, diet causes inflammation....the list goes on and on.  So, what exactly is inflammation and how is it contributing to our health crisis? Inflammation is either acute or chronic.  Acute inflammation is superficial.  It

Being Present

  Sunday is the day that I lovingly refer to as my "hibernation day."  In the morning, I am out and about riding my bike and shopping at the farmers market.  When I arrive back home, that is when the magic begins.  This is my time to do what I want, no commitments, no obligations,

Too Hot To Cook? Try This!

Can you believe it is August already?  Vacations are over, kids are back in school and summer is nearing the end.   So, naturally we think cooler weather will be here before you know it, right?   While that may be true on the east coast, for those of us in the desert, not so much!   We are smack

Got protein?

When it comes to protein, I think we can all agree it is a major player in the trio of essential macronutrients.  Protein is necessary for almost every function in our bodies.  It can repair and rebuild muscle, provide energy and boost immunity.   However, there can be some confusion about protein.  How much do we actually need?  Is animal protein better

Carbs…..friend or foe???

With all the attention on the high fat, low carb diet, it is no wonder carbohydrates are getting pushed aside when it comes to healthy eating. Truth be told, I am a lover of carbs! I mean what is not to, pasta, bread....comfort food at its best, right? Well, yes and no. As with