
The Power Of Purple

Today it's all about the power of purple! That’s right...we are going to give some much needed love to all of the amazing purple vegetables out there! Have you been seeing more of them at your local market? I know I have. Cauliflower, potatoes, spring onions, carrots, cabbage and beets...these are just some of the

Got Magnesium?

Did you know that magnesium is involved in over 300 metabolic processes in your body?   I knew it was important for your muscles and bones, but I was blown away by everything else that it does.  Magnesium is a mineral used by every organ in your body especially your heart, muscles and kidneys.  It helps with thyroid

Are You Cooking With Toxins?

When it comes to healthy eating, there are so many things to think about to ensure you are getting the most nutrition from your food.  Shopping at farmers markets, buying organic and non-GMO produce, choosing grassfed meats and wild caught fish are just a few of those things.   However, there is something you may not have given much thought

Free Your Mind

"Free your mind and the rest will follow." This has become my new mantra in my quest to incorporate more meditation into my daily regime. Even though I am well aware of the benefits of meditation and how it reduces stress, boosts your immune system and builds new brain cells, I still seem to struggle

Boost your brain with HIIT

I hope you had a chance to watch some or perhaps all of the Broken Brain docuseries.  I thought the information was fascinating but also a bit scary!  The number of people that suffer from some type of brain dysfunction is staggering.  However, there is hope!  If we start taking steps now, many of our "broken brain"

My favorite remedy for whatever ails you!

It's official....the cold and flu season has arrived! And it is a bad one! The latest report is that the flu virus is in all states except Hawaii and has affected an estimated 12 million people! Apparently, the severity is due to the fact that the H3N2 strain is one of the most aggressive we've

Are Your Skincare Products Making You Sick?

I hope not, but the reality is that some of your skincare products contain ingredients that can make you sick!  All of the lotions, soaps, shampoos and beauty products that we use everyday are being absorbed into our bodies through our skin.  Just because the label says "all natural," can we be sure the ingredients are

Making a New Year’s Resolution? Read this first…..

Have you started planning your New Years resolutions yet?   Feeling grumpy just thinking about it?  I know dieting is always a popular choice, but who wants to feel deprived when it comes to eating?   Although calorie restriction can lead to weight loss initially, studies show that people typically are unable to sustain the weight loss because

A Few Of My Favorite Things

When it comes to Christmas shopping, it is so easy to get caught up in the stress of finding the perfect gift.   Believe me, I have been there on more than one occasion!    Seems like I always have at least one person on my list that I have no idea what to get them.   The stress builds and I end up buying a

Have You Heard of Medical Food?

If you are not familiar with the term "Medical Food," you are not alone! I had not heard of it until recently. And, I was so intrigued by the information that I just had to share it with you! I stumbled upon the topic of Medical Food when I attended a lecture last month sponsored