It’s official….the cold and flu season has arrived! And it is a bad one! The latest report is that the flu virus is in all states except Hawaii and has affected an estimated 12 million people! Apparently, the severity is due to the fact that the H3N2 strain is one of the most aggressive we’ve seen and the current vaccine is only about 30% effective. I know a lot of people have been stocking up on drugstore remedies to have on hand just in case they get sick. One of my friends told me she went to buy Theraflu and the store was completely sold out of it. I was shocked! Not to worry…I have a remedy for you and it is probably in your refrigerator right now. You may be using it as a spice, but it is so much more than that. Can you guess what it is? (drumroll) It’s ginger!

Ginger is one of the most widely used spices in the world today. It actually comes from the same plant family as turmeric. In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, ginger has been used in healing tonics for almost 5000 years. So, what is it about ginger that makes it so potent? In a word, it is the gingerol which is an oily resin found in the root. Gingerol possesses powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral qualities as well as being a potent anti-inflammatory. Recent studies have found that it even inhibits cancer growth! Talk about food as medicine!! The heating quality of fresh ginger is believed to break down toxins in the organs and flush the lymphatic system. Our lymphatic system is like a sewage system for the body so it is important to keep this system clean and running smoothly.

When it comes to the preparation of ginger, you may be wondering if you should use fresh or dried ginger. If you want the most therapeutic benefits, fresh ginger is the way to go. A very simple remedy is ginger tea. Simply cut off a couple inches of fresh ginger and let it steep in hot water. If you buy organic ginger, no need to peel it first. Ginger enhances bronchodilation so ginger tea would help if you have any respiratory congestion. Adding some honey and lemon will definitely help ease a cough and sore throat.

Ginger is also wonderful for digestive upsets. If you are experiencing any symptoms of the stomach flu, which is also going around, ginger tea will quickly become your new best friend! It is soothing to your tummy and easy to digest. Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your gut? That is why drinking ginger tea will naturally boost your immune system.

The recipe below is my version of a healing tonic that is perfect for this time of year. It has all the usual suspects….ginger, lemon and honey with the addition of a few more healing ingredients. Apple cider vinegar and garlic are antiviral and boost the immune system. Cayenne helps to enhance the therapeutic qualities of the other ingredients. I like to make mine more tart than sweet, but feel free to adjust the amount of honey and cayenne to your taste. I blend this up in the morning, put it in a jar and sip on it throughout the day. I swear I get a burst of energy every time I take a drink ;). Make sure you use raw honey as this has the most nutrients. You can find some amazing raw honey at your local farmers market.

Whether you use it as a preventative measure or as a treatment for your symptoms, ginger is one ingredient you definitely want to have in your fridge! And remember to stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, exercise daily and wash your hands often!


Immune Boosting Lemonade

2 cups hot (not boiling) water
1/8 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/2 Tbs raw honey (raw is important)
1 inch piece of fresh ginger
1/8 cup raw Apple Cider Vinegar (raw is important)
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 clove garlic


Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender.  Drink one cup at the first sign of illness and another cup every two hours or as desired.  This will last a week in the fridge.  Do not reheat as this will damage the enzymes and nutrients.