
Do you know what’s in your toothpaste??

Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your toothpaste?  I know that's probably not at the top of your "to do" list, but if you have a minute, I suggest you take a look.  If you are using a conventional toothpaste like Crest or Colgate, I think you might be shocked to see what the

  • pink orchid and rocks

Can money buy happiness?

Hello , "If only I had (fill in the blank) then I would be happy."  How often have you found yourself saying these words?   It's so easy to think that having this or that will make us happier but can buying more "stuff" truly make us happy? Recently, this was the topic of conversation at a lecture I attended titled The Pursuit

Are you getting enough zzzzzz’s??

Remember when you were young and you could sleep for hours?  I know that may seem like another lifetime, but I can still remember hopping into my bed without a care in the world and sleeping like a rock all night long.  Fast forward to today and, although I can still "hop" into my bed, I'm not exactly sleeping like

Let it go….you have already won!

It finally happened!  Last Sunday was the first Nourish retreat and the day was everything I had hoped it would be.  The women who attended were extraordinary, the weather was beautiful, the energy was amazing and I think we all felt "nourished" in many ways.   Of course there were things that I want to improve on

Seasonal allergies got you down? Relief is easier than you think!

Anyone got spring fever??  I know I do.  Spring is that wonderful time of year when nature wakes up from hibernation and enters into an amazing state of renewal.  That's the good news.  The not so good news is that every tree, flower and weed releases a ton of pollen causing seasonal allergies in nearly 50 million people.  Ugh!  As the pollen

Feeling overwhelmed?? I can help!

Have you ever left a doctors appointment feeling like you just went through a revolving door?  How much time did your doctor actually spend with you?  15 minutes?  Maybe 20 if you were lucky!  Did he/she have time to discuss your nutrition or lifestyle habits?  Did you chat about your activity levels or the amount

What are you hungry for?

I'm definitely one of those people who gets "hangry" when I go too long without food.  I get edgy and nervous and sometimes I feel like I'm on the verge of a complete meltdown.  Trust me, it's not pretty!  So you can imagine my reaction when I first heard about intermittent fasting. you crazy????  But the

Chia versus Flax: Which one will you choose??

Chia versus flax....that is the question.  Okay, maybe it's not THE question but perhaps you've thought about it at some point.  Have you ever wondered what's the difference between flax seeds and chia seeds?  Is one nutritionally better than the other?  Should you be including these seeds in your diet on a daily basis?  Let's do some comparison shopping

Let’s talk mushrooms!

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say mushrooms?  A topping for your pizza?  An addition to your omelet or veggie scramble?  While these are all  tasty ideas, when I think of mushrooms I not only think of the culinary variety, I also think of medicinal mushrooms.  These little gems are specific strains of wild edible

Are you alkaline or acidic??

Did you know that no matter what you do, your body continually strives for optimal health?  It's true.  Your body is on a non-stop mission to remain in balance and maintain a stable internal environment to keep you running smoothly.  One of the most important ways your body does this is by maintaining an optimal blood pH.