Welcome to 2020!   Is it just me or are you loving the way that sounds?  It’s got a good ring to it, doesn’t it?  That must mean it’s going to be a great year!

As we enter into a new year, it’s only natural that we think about a new beginning.  A new year gives us the opportunity to hit the reset button and start with a clean slate.  It’s also a time when many people set goals or make resolutions centered around health, wellness and fitness.  Although I’ve never been one to make resolutions, I do like to set some goals for myself.  But before I decide on my goals, I always take some time to look back at the prior year.  I know that may sound weird but you know what they say……hindsight is 20/20 (pun intended :)!

As I look back over the prior year, I like to write down any accomplishments and also any obstacles that I was able to overcome.  I do this for my personal life as well as my professional life.  Whenever I do this activity it puts me in the “I’ve got this!” mindset so when I sit down to write out my goals for 2020, I feel confident and inspired.

Speaking of goals, let’s talk about the difference between goals and intentions.   A goal is a concrete, tangible thing.  For example, you may have a goal of running a marathon in April, saving $100 every month, taking a trip to India (please take me with you!) or moving to a new city.  Goals have a deadline.  They have a specific time frame to achieve a desired outcome.

An intention is more internal.  It is something that you want to exemplify based on your values.  Intentions will ebb and flow while goals are more static.  For example, you may intend to be more present with your family so your goal might be to have dinner together 3 nights per week.

When it comes to deciding on your goals and your intentions, get clear on what you truly want and also what you don’t want.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming to think about what you truly desire, but if you ask yourself what you don’t want in your life, suddenly you will have more clarity.  As you do this exercise, allow yourself to daydream and let your creative juices flow.  Be present and open so the answers can come to you.

It can also be helpful to ask yourself “why.”  Why do I want to achieve this goal?  Figuring out your “why” will help ensure your goal is something you really want versus something you think “should” do.

Once you have decided on your goals, write them down.  When you write down your goals and your intentions, it gets them out of your head and makes them easier to visualize.  Statistics show that writing down our goals means we are 42% more likely to achieve them.  That’s pretty impressive!

One way to write down your goals is to create a “vision board” which you fill with images or words that match what you want to achieve.  Your vision board can be on a single sheet of paper or it can be on a large, colorful piece of poster board.  Keep your vision board in a place that you will see every day so that you are constantly reminded and inspired about your goals.  I love to make vision boards and I am always amazed that the pictures and words I am drawn to seem to reveal exactly what I am seeking.

Once you are clear on what you want and what you don’t want, make a plan.  In order to keep from feeling overwhelmed, focus on small steps you can take every day that will bring you closer to your goal.  Make the steps specific and achievable for you and your lifestyle.  For example, you may want to get healthy and exercise more but if you are a mom and working full time, getting to the gym every day is probably not realistic.  You may, however, be able to commit to taking a 30 minute walk on your lunch hour 3 days per week.  Small steps can yield great benefits!

Change comes when we work toward the things we value and desire.  If you have a vision and you make the commitment to turn your vision into a reality, then the outcome will be what you truly desire.  Let’s make the commitment to keep growing and improving all year long!

May 2020 be your healthiest, happiest and most prosperous year ever!

If one of your goals is to eat healthier, you may want to check out my class on January 18th at Natural Grocers (Oracle and Orange Grove location).   I will show you how easy it is to eliminate gluten, dairy and refined sugar without feeling deprived.  The class is from 2:00 to 3:30 and it’s FREE.  Plus, you get to make your very own superfood yogurt parfait!!


2020 is going to be amazing!