Just like clockwork, the holiday season has arrived!  While I certainly love the holidays, when I start filling my days with more “to do’s” than I know what “to do” with, it’s easy to feel like I don’t have a minute to spare.  And that’s when the stress and overwhelm starts to kick in…..ugh!

Obviously, managing stress and anxiety is super important this time of year, but it can also be extremely challenging.  With jam packed days, you may feel like there’s no time for self care, but making time for yourself is essential and it’s easier than you think!

Studies have shown that what you do first thing in the morning can literally make or break your day.  In fact, in the tradition of Ayurveda, having a morning routine (dinacharya) is considered to be the single most important tool for reducing stress and improving your overall health and well-being.

But don’t worry…..even if you think you’re not a morning person, there are lots of ways to ensure you start your day on a high note.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

*get out of bed AND make your bed as soon as you wake up….you’ll be surprised at what a difference this makes.

*drink a glass of warm water

*pause for a moment and take some deep breaths

*slowly stretch your body

*meditate for a few minutes (or longer)

*write down five things you are grateful for


If you are new to the idea of having a morning routine, try not to think of it as “one more thing” you have to do in your day.  Instead, think of your morning routine as a gift you give to yourself every single day.  After all, it is the season of gift giving so why not put yourself at the top of the list!

Lowering stress and creating balance in your life can be as simple as changing how you start your day.  Even if you only have time to do one thing, make a commitment to yourself to do it every single day.  Trust me….it will be transformative.

Are you ready to seize the day?  I know I am!