Last week was not a good week for Arizona!!  For starters, Arizona made the national news on a couple of occasions due to our spike in Covid cases.  And then, to add insult to injury, one of the beloved mountain ranges here in Tucson caught fire as a result of a lightning strike.  When it rains, it pours, right?

With our triple digit temperatures and high winds, the fire has continued to grow and Arizona has become a “hot spot” in more ways than one!  Having lived in the desert for 37 years, I’m “kind of” used to the heat but honestly, this place feels like an inferno right now!

Life is full of uncertainty and it’s inevitable that there will be obstacles and challenges along the way.  When adversity strikes, it’s easy to find yourself losing faith which is exactly what happened to me one day last week.

As I was wandering through my neighborhood on my morning walk, I found myself thinking about all of the things that seem to be going “wrong,” not just in Arizona but in the world.  As hard as I tried to stay positive, I could feel myself slipping into a bit of doom and gloom and then something really amazing happened.  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a painted rock with the word “faith.”  I just had to laugh because this could not have come at a better time.  I knew it was a sign…..a sign reminding me to keep the faith.

So what does it mean to have faith?

Well, if you look up the word “faith” in the dictionary, you will see these two interpretations:

1.  Complete trust or confidence in someone or something;
2.  Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

For me, faith is a belief that I am never alone in my struggles.  It is a deep knowing that no matter how dire the circumstances, I am safe and everything will be okay.

So as I watch our mountain burn and I listen to the news, I am choosing to keep the faith.  As long as I have faith, I know the blessings will ALWAYS show up!

How about you?  Are you choosing to keep the faith??

Let’s do it together!!

Blessings always always always show up image