Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you are enjoying a bit of Irish goodness today. Perhaps a green salad to go along with your green smoothie??
As we head toward the official start of spring next week, an abundance of green can be seen all around. Spring is a time of renewal. A rebirth of all that has been dormant for the winter. As the earth transforms, so to should our bodies. Spring is the time to release our layer of winter fat. These fats provide insulation during the colder months, but, they are no longer needed as the days become warmer. Our diets will naturally become lighter to accommodate this process. We may begin to crave salads, fresh juices, raw veggies and, of course, those glorious greens. Arugula, lettuce, spinach and sprouts are in abundance at the farmers market. These bitter greens are full of chlorophyll which aid in cleansing the liver and releasing the excess fat from our system.
Cleansing can be helpful in flushing our systems and jump starting our metabolism. I recognize that the idea of cleansing can be intimidating for some people. It doesn’t have to be. There are many variations of cleansing and the key is to find one that works for you. Since we are talking about cleansing our bodies, this can be as simple as starting your day with a glass of water with lemon or incorporating a simple green juice as a mid morning snack. You may decide to replace one cooked meal with a salad filled with greens and seasonal veggies.
We can also cleanse our minds, our home, the office and even our relationships. Incorporating time into our day to be still and take a few deep breaths can help to quiet the mind and reset our nervous system. Cleaning a closet or even just a drawer is a great way to boost the energy in your home. Sorting through and tossing any unnecessary papers on your desk can create space for new ideas. And, whenever possible, let go of people in your life who in some way drag you down. This can be challenging, especially if they are family members, so err on the side of caution with this one!
As for my spring cleansing, I got into my garage cabinets last weekend and was amazed at what I found! Things I did not even know I still had. I made several trips to Goodwill and filled up my dumpster. When I pull into my garage, I am amazed at how much lighter the space feels! As for my body, I have incorporated a green juice first thing in the morning. I love green juices, but, my juicer is old and it takes way too long to clean, so I have created a very easy recipe that I blend. It takes minutes to prepare and the clean up is as easy as rinsing out the blender. Check out my recipe below.
What area of your life do you want to “cleanse?” I hope this article has given you some ideas. If you need a nudge or have further questions about changes to your diet, schedule your free 30 minute consultation with me. I would love to chat with you.
Enjoy 😉

1/2 cucumber
1 bunch of parsley or cilantro
1/2 c. spinach or romaine lettuce
1 1/2 c. water
juice of 1/2 lemon or limeBlend all ingredients in a high speed blender, pour into a glass and enjoy!!