Every day, as part of my morning ritual, I read a meditation from Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie.  Her words are always thought provoking, inspiring and often exactly what I need to hear.

Yesterday was the first day of Fall so it was appropriate that the meditation for yesterday was titled “Embrace Change.”

In nature, we see that change can be effortless, however, as humans, we tend to struggle and resist the inevitable changes in our lives.  I have witnessed this many times in my own life.

I wanted to share this meditation with you today because, if you struggle with change like I do, I think you will find these words helpful.

“Life is an evolution.  Your life is constantly, quietly evolving each moment into something new, something different, something that adds gracefully, beautifully, and perfectly to what was.  You can trust that process with all its insights, clarity, confusion, and emotions.  You can trust that process with its peace, joy, laughter, and its side trips.”

“Learn to honor and love the process of continual evolution and transformation.  It’s how things grow.  It’s how you grow.  It’s how life is.”

As we witness the transition from summer to fall, let’s take a cue from Mother Nature (and from this meditation) and learn to embrace change in all its glory.  When we trust this natural process, we will know that our transformation will be effortless.