January 1st is just two days away.  How are you feeling?  Are you ready to hit the reset button and start 2022 with a clean slate?

Personally, I love the idea of starting the new year with a clean slate.  There’s nothing quite like it to give me that extra boost of energy I need to accomplish my goals.

But as much as I love to wipe the slate clean, I also know that the transition from one year to the next can be a wonderful opportunity for me to take some time to look back over the past 12 months and reflect on where I’ve been and what I’ve learned.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool that gives you clarity and insight into how you came to be at this moment in time.  It can help you discover new things about yourself and show you all the wonderful things you are capable of.

When you take the time to look back, you’ll gain a better understanding of where you want to go in the coming year.  In fact, looking back could be exactly what you need to help you set your intentions for the new year.

Now, if you’re rolling your eyes and thinking this sounds like way too much work, I hear ya’.  I used to think that as well but then I simplified things by using a few questions as prompts.  Trust me….this makes the whole process so much easier!

So if you’re ready to go on a treasure hunt and find your gems, here are some questions that will help you get started:

1.  What were my successes?
2.  What did I accomplish?
3.  What am I most proud of?
4.  What experiences touched me the most?
5.  What brought me joy?
6.  What obstacles did I overcome?
7.  What lessons did I learn?
8.  What do I want more of in my life?
9.  What am I willing to let go of?

As you can see there’s a lot of wisdom to be gained by answering these questions so don’t hold back.  Embrace the experience, cherish every moment and honor the ending of this year.

And when you wake up on the first day of January, know that you’ll be ready to enter into 2022 with the belief that everything is possible and then, let the adventure begin!

Cheers to you, my friend!