Whether we speak them, hear them or think them, our words have tremendous power.  In fact, just one word has the power to melt your heart, infuse you with anger or change your life completely.

Despite knowing how powerful our words are, it can be easy to take them for granted because, after all, they’re just words, right?

Maybe, maybe not…..

What if your words could be the key to creating your reality?  Wouldn’t you try to choose the very best words in order to create your very best reality?  Of course you would.

Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing the very best words, the one area that I often see people stumble is when they’re talking about their health.

“I have a bad back,” “my knees are terrible,” “I can’t remember anything anymore,” “my body is falling apart,”  “I’m just getting old.” 

While aging does have some effects on the body, what you think and what you say about yourself can definitely contribute to your overall health and the research on this topic is finally getting the attention it deserves.

For years now, I have been fascinated with the idea of the mind-body connection especially as it relates to healthy aging.

My first exposure to the idea of the mind-body connection happened many years ago when I attended a lecture by Lissa Rankin.  She had just published her first book, Mind Over Medicine, which documented the body’s innate ability to self-repair using the power of the mind.

While the research on this topic continues to grow, sadly, our culture has become so conditioned to the negative self talk about aging and I know that can be a hard pattern to break.  The good news is that more often than not, the missing link to truly attracting the health that you desire can be as simple as changing how you view yourself.

Your body is always working on your behalf to create health and vitality and no matter how bad you feel, there is a place inside you that wants to heal, that can heal and that will heal.  It’s a place of love and acceptance and you can find it quickly if that is what you are seeking.

So, for the next few days, listen to your body and notice how the words you say affect your health and your emotional state.  The more conscious you become about the words you say to yourself, the easier it will be to speak from a place of kindness and grace.