When my clients are planning a vacation, one of the questions they often ask me is “How can I stay on track when I’m on vacation?”

My answer:  “It’s easier than you think!”

While vacations are certainly a great way to get some much needed rest and relaxation, the truth is they can also be a slippery slope when it comes to sticking with your healthy eating and exercise plans.

So if you’re planning a summer vacation and you’re worried that your trip might throw you off track, don’t worry.

I’ve got some tips for you that will keep your momentum going and I promise, it will be easier than you think.  😉

Tip #1:  Stay in a house or hotel that has a full kitchen.

When I travel, I like to know that I always have the option to cook my own meals.  Although I enjoy eating out in order to try local cuisine, going to a restaurant for every meal can easily lead to overeating, not to mention it can get really expensive.  That’s why having access to a fully stocked kitchen is a non-negotiable for me.

Thankfully, with Airbnb and Vrbo, there is no shortage of places that have kitchens but honestly, my favorite place to stay is a Residence Inn.  I prefer Residence Inns because they are always clean, their kitchens are well stocked, there is no cleaning fee and you can usually cancel within 24 hours of your stay.  These days that’s not always the case with a rental through Airbnb or Vrbo.

Tip #2:  Buy local and seasonal food.

Knowing that I have access to a kitchen, the next part of my travel adventure is finding local and seasonal food.  Whenever I travel to a different part of the country, eating food from the surrounding area helps my body acclimate to my new environment.

With that in mind, the best way to find local food is through Localharvest.org.  Using their website is easy.  You simply enter the zip code for wherever you are staying and you’ll see all of the local farms, CSA’s and farmers markets that supply fresh, seasonal food.

Visiting local farms and markets not only supports the farmers but it’s a great way to get out into the community and mingle with the folks who live there.

If you prefer a traditional grocery store that sells quality food, you can usually find a Whole Foods Market in most major cities.  Some of their stores will even carry produce from local farms.

Tip #3:  Get outside in nature.

Now that the fridge is stocked, it’s time to get out into nature for some exercise.

I like to exercise first thing in the morning and whenever I’m looking for outdoor activities to do on my vacation, I look no further than Alltrails.com.  I simply enter the city where I’m staying and voila…..I get access to whatever activity I might be looking for.  From hiking and biking to running, rock climbing, and fishing, Alltrails will hook you up with the best places to do it all.

Tip #4:  Don’t forget the sunscreen!

Last but not least, if you’re going to be outside, don’t forget the sunscreen.  You definitely don’t want to let a bad sunburn ruin your vacation.

Sadly, some sunscreens contain a lot of toxic chemicals so I always check out the Environmental Working Group’s list to find the best and safest sunscreens to use.  They revise the list every year so you can find their recommendations for 2022 here.

While a healthy lifestyle is one you can keep no matter where you are in the world, you definitely don’t want it to be an added stressor.

Following my tips for staying on track will ensure that you can easily maintain your wellness plan without taking time away from having fun with your family and friends.

And remember, your wellness journey is not about perfection, it is simply about being mindful.  If you are waking up every day and being kind to your body then you know you’re on the right path!